Easy operation – Full performance
Spray faster and carry more liquid. The MEGA sets new standards for lift-mounted sprayers. With its sleek and modern design and unparallelled comfort for the driver, we have designed a machine that will keep you spraying all day.
Minimum downtime
With the introduction of the SmartCom digital platform, we are not only offering you a fully ISOBUS-controlled sprayer, but also a minimum of downtime. Through diagnostics, our service team can assess the health of your machine to get you up and running quickly. The platform also supports the liquid system, thereby allowing faster spraying speeds with higher volume rates.
Superb comfort
When in the field, the AirRide suspension will reduce shock loads on the machine, resulting in a more stable boom and higher comfort for the driver.
General info:
Sprayer Category: Liftmounted
Location: United Kingdom
Model Year: 2022
Production Year:
Sales Date: 20/5/24
Tank Size: 1800
Hectares Sprayed: 10HA
Serial Number:
Item Number:
Boom Type: VPZ
Total Boom Width: 24m
Boom Sections: 7
Boom management: [" Negative Tilt"]
Sprayline: Steel
Nozzle Holder: Snap-fit Triplet
Extra Functions: ["AntiYaw"," EVC"]
Fluid System:
Pump Type: 464 (540 RPM)
Fluid System: EFC
Boom Cirulation: BoomPrime
Extra functions: ["DynamicFluid4","External Washdown","PressureEmpty"," TurboFiller"]
Chassis, Suspension & Tyres
Tracking System:
Axle System:
Axle Width:
Extra functions: ["ChemLocker"]
Electronics & Controller:
Controller Type: [" HARDI ISOBUS"," HC 9600"]
Extra Functions: [" GPS"]
Nozzle type: [" INJET"," LOWDRIFT"," MINIDRIFT"]